A message to geo-strategic pressure lines of Iran: remember the tale of the Gordian Knot. A bold move by Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, or a ‘diplomatic stroke’, could reverse Iran’s approach and indeed re-establish US leverage in the region.
On an occasion in April, Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad criticized US policies on Iraq, namely, by calling the invasion "misguided" and going into detail by pointing out that the ensuing vacuum had been filled by Iran's delicate network of proxies and alliances that form a "Gordian Knot" today. The ancient myth of the "Gordian Knot" describes Alexander the Great, who after finding no end to the knot cut it with one stroke to become king of Asia Minor.

• Syria, increasingly courted and protected by China's Silk Road approach to the region, faces allegations that say it delivered Scud missiles to Hezbollah, a charge Damascus vehemently denies. Nevertheless, even rumours of one-ton payload in the hands of Hezbollah continue to puzzle Israel in the wake of the 2006 war, and force its government to act. Hezbollah-rockets that could hit Tel-Aviv shorten Israel's fuse on a direct assault on Iran significantly.
• Israel, witnessing ultra-right currents among its ruling coalition, issued a military order allowing its military to deport or imprison tens of thousands of Palestinians of the West Bank. Therefore fears of a third Nakba (Catastrophe) arise in Jordan, a staunch NATO ally. Jordan worries that additional Palestinian refugees will flow into the already water-poor country and threaten its delicate tribal Palestinian-Jordanian demographics. Right-wing Islamist currents among Jordan's developing party-system make waves by "remembering" King Abdullah of Jordan and his claim on the Kingdom's "strategic interests" with regard to Jerusalem and "solidarity" with Palestine. Signs of a widening vacuum!

However, the single solution to bring the peace process back on track, namely, leaving the ultra right-wing parties, would put Kadimas Zipi Livni in a position to challenge his chair. Nevertheless, the clock is ticking to avert both tendencies or at least contain them sufficiently by a) building a stable democracy in Iraq in order to create a publicly perceivable success story after all and, b) appeasing the drums of war, hence supporting secular and potential democratic states and civil societies in the region, such as Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey and gaining tangible diplomatic leverage among them. However, Iran needs to be contained as progress on both fronts is determined by Teheran.
Therefore, giving "Richard Nixon goes to China" momentum in the Middle East, like Netanyahu making a surprise visit to Damascus making a peace offer would most likely unravel the "Gordian Knot" that protects Iran's Ahmadinejad today. This would pay the US a handsome dividend by providing credibility to the Obama Administration in the Middle East in general and strengthen its leverage over Iran by containing its influence in Asia Minor. Asking Mr. Ambassador Ford to join Prime Minister Netanyahu at his commencement of work would re-establish the trust of the Israeli public in the Obama Administration and, to a much lesser extent, surprise the Arab public.
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